Guest lecture – Nikola Petrović, ISAC Fund
Nikola Petrović, Executive Director of the Center for International and Security Affairs (ISAC Fund), gave a lecture to IV year…

Dr Gordana Ilic – a guest lecture
Dr Gordana Ilic, Entrepreneur First, held a guest lecture on the subject of Youth Mobility and Entrepreneurship in the field…

A Lecture by Zarko Kecic, RNIDS
Žarko Kecić, head of the ICT service sector of the National Domain Register of Serbia, gave a guest lecture on…
Business partners
School of Engineering Management established cooperation with companies such as:
- Energomontaža a.d.
- ENERGOPROJEKT entel a.d.
- ENERGOPROJEKT oprema a.d.
- FEROMONT inženjering a.d. Beograd
- INSTITUT IMS a.d. Beograd
- MINEL-DTE d.o.o
- „IMP-Automatika“ d.o.o.
- SD Crvena Zvezda
- Orion d.o.o
- Fiat Srbija
- Institut za stočarstvo
- Eco Energo group d.o.o
- Hidro Tan d.o.o
- Centar za razvoj Jablaničkog i Pčinjskog okruga
- Visoka građevinsko-geodetska škola
- Institut Mihajlo Pupin
- Energo Management Group d.o.o,
- Euro 07 d.o.o
Such cooperation is established in common interest for the purpose of improving our activities and use of human and material resources; organizing student internships; involving professionals from the companies in various continuous education programs; mutual development of professional and scientific projects and analysis for the third parties; general technical cooperation; and other activities.
School of Engineering Management organises student internships, guest lectures as well as company visits and courses.
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