Engineering and Management of Strategic Security Systems Curriculum Structure

PhD studies have at least 180 ECTS credits, with the previous total of at least 300 ECTS credits during the undergraduate and graduate academic studies, or 360 ECTS credits in the integrated academic studies of Medical Sciences. Doctoral dissertation is the final part of the doctoral studies curriculum, except for the PhD in Arts which is the part of the Art studies curriculum.

Study program Engineering and Management of Strategic Security Systems

The study program is conducted during three school years and has 180 ECTS.

The objectives of the program are in line with the vision and mission of the School of Engineering Management. It strives to educate and train students to understand the theories of systems engineering and engineering management, develop process thinking that allows them a holistic view of strategic security systems, as well as critical thinking and creative design of new, improved solutions. Students study and apply modern methods and techniques of research and development, in order to successfully develop projects and doctoral dissertation provided by the study program. Students develop the skill of managing strategic security systems in order to more easily and efficiently engage in scientific and research projects outside the academic environment.

The aim of PhD studies is to develop students' knowledge and beliefs related to the management of strategic security systems in which operational and strategic dimensions are integrated and which connect knowledge and competencies.

Therefore, they should have developed the ability and skill to use research and scientific methods and techniques that will enable them to take into account the coherence and coordination of all company activities towards achieving a common business goal, especially considering the management of strategic security systems as an integral part of security structures.

The aim of the curriculum is to develop process thinking that provides a good basis for understanding the idea of strategic security systems, or systemic and engineering approach to its management. Students will understand that the security of states and corporations is part of the social, economic and technological reality in which they exist, and that the way of managing strategic security systems, establishing transversal ties and integration is extremely important. With such knowledge, students will understand and believe that the management of strategic security systems can only be based on innovative solutions, and their foundation lies in new technologies and knowledge. The study program will thus create professionals, who will constantly contribute to the creation of new knowledge.

The outcome of the learning process

Diploma – Scientific name: Students are awarded the title Doctor of Science –
Industrial Engineering/Engineering Management

Enrolment conditions for the studies curriculum: Only those students who achieved 300 or 360 ECTS credits during their previous academic studies can enrol doctoral studies. The studies provide students with certain number of ECTS credits, and the doctoral dissertation is credited with 30 ECTS points. There is the possibility of choosing elective courses.

The study program structure: The program of doctoral studies includes 5 compulsory courses, 3 elective courses (out of the 6 courses offered, the student chooses 3 courses). In addition, the curriculum includes 2 study-research papers, 1 study-research and 1 scientific-research project. Based on the curriculum conceived in this way, the student is able to approach the study-research work, the part of the curriculum that aims to develop the subject and goal of the doctoral dissertation. After defending and publicly accepting the study-research work, the student approaches the preparation and defence of the doctoral dissertation – the most important part of the curriculum.

Modes of study: Studies are conducted classically in Serbian and English.

Students are expected to improve and deepen general theoretical knowledge in the management of strategic security systems and the role of information technology, as well as to possess the skills and ability for methodologically correct work on solving scientific research and research problems. After successfully passing exams, completed project assignments and doctoral dissertations, students are able to engage in scientific research in the field of technical and technological sciences – industrial engineering and engineering management.

The method of studies: The studies are performed in the standardized way in both Serbian and English.

Engineering and Management of Strategic Security Systems – doctoral studies curriculum

The curriculum of the doctoral study program Engineering and Management of Strategic Security Systems is designed to enable students to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of engineering and management, i.e. management of strategic security systems, which qualify them as experts in the field of strategic security systems management.

The scientific knowledge included in the subjects of the doctoral study program contains elements necessary for independent research work. In addition, knowledge in the field of waste management provides students with highly specialized training for practical work in the field of technical and technological sciences, the field of industrial engineering and engineering management.


The First Year

Course name Sem. Status Hours SRP ECTS
Methodologу of scientific research I C 4 2 4
Elective course 1 I E 4 2 15
Security and information systems engineering I C 4 2 5
Study – research paper 1 I C 0 5 4
Elective course 2 II E 4 2 14
Elective course 3 II E 4 2 14
Study – research paper 2 II C 0 8 4

The Second Year

Course name Sem. Status Hours SRP ECTS
Elective course 4 III E 8 2 18
Elective course 5 III E 8 2 18
Study – research project IV C 0 15 12
Scientific – research project IV C 0 15 12

The Third year

Course name Sem. Status Hours SRP ECTS
Study-research work on the doctoral dissertation V C 0 20 30
Development and defense of doctoral dissertation VI C 0 20 30

Courses in elective bloc no. 1

Geographic information systems in security studies E 4 2 15
Selected chapters from security studies E 4 2 15

Courses in elective bloc no. 2

Security and information systems management E 4 2 14
Security systems and new materials E 4 2 14

Courses in elective bloc no. 3

Modeling of security information systems E 4 2 14
IT system control E 4 2 14

Courses in elective bloc no. 4

Networks E 8 2 18
Quality and security information systems E 8 2 18

Courses in elective bloc no. 5

Selected chapters from strategic protection systems E 8 2 18
Security Systems In Industry 4.0 E 8 2 18