We inform all the students and staff at the School that preventive measures have been adopted in accordance with the Law in connection with the appearance of the COVID 19 virus for the period 10.3-13.3. 2020. The students and employees will be regularly informed of any changes.

You can see the procedures here:

COVID 19 Prevention Measures Procedures

  • Employees are obliged to measure the temperature (2x daily) in the evening and before leaving for work, and email in case the fever.
  • Employees who have a fever (over 37.1 C) are required to stay home and monitor their symptoms, as well as to contact competent authorities. If their family members have a fever, the procedure in this case is the same as for the employed person.
  • Employees who stay at home due to fever are obliged to be available by telephone and mail.
  • Employees arriving by public transport are working from 10am to 3pm, except for those who have classes before 10am and after 3pm.
  • Any employee who develops COVID19 symptoms diagnosed with the disease is required to notify the employer via the email address
  • Employees arriving for work by personal vehicle have usual working hours.
  • Employees are obliged to wash their hands more often and to use disinfectants, which will be provided in appropriate dispensers at the entrance to the building and again at the entrance to the premises of the Faculty.
  • Employees are required to ventilate their premises as often as possible during business hours.
  • Employees are obliged to disinfect their workplace (keyboard, mobile phone, mouse) regularly.
  • Year I students will have classes at the classroom 329.
  • Other years of study have classes in regular classrooms.
  • The procedure for sitting in classrooms requires a minimum of one space between the students.
  • All meetings at the School and outside the School which are not necessary and urgent are canceled.
  • All professors and teaching assistants are required to prepare their lectures and exercises in electronic form, so that, in the case of quarantine, they will be able to hold regular electronic consultations with the students. Also, the professors and assistants are required to have the mailing addresses of all their students.
  • Ministry of Health Special line for KORONA Virus Issues 064/8945235.