Decision Making – How to Choose the Best Option?

It is very difficult to know which is the ideal job for us or which of the two risky solutions to choose, everything has its good or bad sides, and therefore it is not unexpected that we sometimes make mistakes. It is important that we choose the right decision in key moments, those that leave great consequences for each of us. The one that achieves the fulfillment of a goal or aspiration in a given situation. Decision making is a process in which we are faced with several options from which to choose the right one, followed by taking a series of actions to implement that decision.

The way we make decisions largely depends on our character and what are the personality traits that make us different from others. Of course, goals, ambitions, interests and desires influence which decision, at which moment we make and which is in accordance with the priorities we have chosen for ourselves. Decisions that include planning, that is, taking into account long-term (and therefore also short-term) goals, are of the highest quality because you take into account your life goals and achieve them through “small bites”. It means taking control of your life (or any aspect of it).


How do we make decisions?

As we are all different and everyone has his own ways of functioning, decision-making is not universal either. Depending on who we are as individuals, we make decisions differently. And the decision-making methods can be:

Intuitive – decisions made intuitively are those based on past experience and situations that were similar to the current one. Decisions made in this way follow certain patterns that have proven successful in the past.

Logically – when making such a decision, all the arguments that speak in favor of or against the decision that is on the horizon are considered. On this occasion, data is broken down and compared with personal affinities.

Talking to someone – on this occasion, we usually need to verbalize our thoughts and, in agreement with someone who we think knows us (or has a similar experience) and who can objectively influence this process, make a decision. It can also be a professional person.

Based on experience – independent decision-making, where we are aware of the options before us, we include previous experiences as well as an analysis of possible consequences. We collect the necessary data and after some time make a decision that we consider correct. It is important not to procrastinate too much because it can also reflect negatively on us.

By testing possible options – we decide on one option that we have previously tested in practice. In this way, we gain insight into the possible consequences of decision-making. This is a useful way of making decisions, but often we are unable to test the choices or do not have enough time to do so.


What stages do we go through when making decisions?

If we want to make a decision, we must first think about whether there is really a need for it and be aware of the time limit that exists when making a decision. The decision-making process should include the following stages:

Identification of the problem – before making any decision, there should be a clearly defined problem situation. Therefore, the problem should be clearly stated as well as all its aspects, which are its causes and consequences.

Definition of goals – precise determination of what we want to achieve, i.e. what is our goal for the future.

Generating a list of possible solutions – making potential solutions and possibilities for solving a dilemma or problem. We should think about all the options before us, what can be done.

Assessment of possible solutions – reasoned assessment of which solution would be good or bad for us.

Choosing a solution – when we summarize the results, the decision that is the best for us will crystallize and then the best solution will be chosen.

Implementation of the decision in practice – undertaking a series of actions that would put our decision into action and persistence in the implementation process.

Monitoring the execution of the decision – if the results are not measurable on the spot, we should monitor how we progress in implementing the decision (choose the way we can do it).


What obstacles arise when making a decision?

Making a decision is not easy. The consequences we face after a decision is made do not always have to be positive and the fear of consequences can be justified. Preoccupation with the present, for example, can significantly hamper our thinking about the future. Each of us carries a certain potential to sabotage the making of a decision. Factors that can stand in the way of our decision are the following:

Personal characteristics – personality traits such as insecurity, lack of motivation, indecisiveness, etc. they can sabotage us when we need to make a decision.

Lack of information – if we have no options or choices, there is no room for making a decision because it often implies the elimination of some possible solutions. If we do not have information on the basis of which we could make a decision, most often we will not make it.

Prejudices about the new situation in which we may find ourselves after a decision has been made (“it’s bad for me, I won’t manage” etc.) because, if we predestined failure as a result of a new decision, we will not make such a decision.

External pressures – factors that pressure us not to make a decision or, on the contrary, to make one that is not necessarily good for us.


How not to make decisions?

Impulsive – making a decision in a second, when analytical thinking is almost excluded.

Fatalistic – “indecisiveness”, surrendering to the course of things and the circumstances we encounter.

Imitating – when in the decision-making process we rely on other people’s choices, regardless of whether they suit us or not.

Procrastination – until the last moment when we are most often forced to make a choice. Ignoring the need to make a decision will also force us into a decision that, if made in time, would not have bad consequences.


Making decisions is not an easy job nor is it always a logical choice for us, but what is important in all of this is that we remain consistent with ourselves and our values, desires and aspirations, because this is how we reduce the negative consequences of the decisions we have made. Such decisions are not always easy to make and that is why you “consult” your long-term goals and the choice will be easier for you.

Source: poslovi.infostud