International Conference “Critical Infrastructure of the Defense Industry”
School of Engineering Management and the National Risk Management Association (NUUR) are organizing a conference led by the idea of regional gathering of eminent scientists and experts in the field of risk management and critical infrastructure protection of the defense industry from the country and abroad in order to exchange experiences and good practices in identification and analysis the impact of existing and potential risks on the defense industry, the examination of trends in the development of critical defense infrastructure systems in the defense industry in the field of physical and technical protection, protection against fire and natural disasters, occupational safety, environmental protection, industrial safety, as well as in the application of all other measures which are undertaken in protection against different types of risks.
The International Conference is organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Serbia and with the support of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Serbia, and the Ministry of Environmental Protection.
Representatives of the Ministry of Interior of Montenegro and the Ministry of Interior of Bosnia and Herzegovina, representatives of the Directorate for Rescuing and Protection of the Republic of Macedonia, as well as numerous scientists and experts from the scientific-research institute have announced their participation in the conference, educational, scientific and research institutions and companies from Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria and Serbia.
6 December 2018, 09.30 am, SCC, Resavska 15, hall 2.
Source: http://www.pks.rs/Dogadjaji.aspx