Patron Saints of the School – the Holy Three Hierarchs 2020
The School of Engineering Management today celebrated the Patron Saints of the School – the Holy Three Hierarchs. The cutting of the Slava cake was performed by the Vicar of His Holiness Bishop Stefan.
Among the guests were representatives of the state and local self-government, universities and faculties, the Serbian Armed Forces, Institute for Materials Testing, Institute of Technical Sciences of Serbian academy of sciences and arts, secondary education, diplomatic corps, economy and cultural and artistic organizations.
All guests were greeted by Prof. Dr. Vladimir Tomasevic, Dean of the School, who welcomed the guests.
Vicar of His Holiness Bishop Stefan, after cutting the cake, prayed for the health and salvation of the students and their professors.
The Slava of Three Jerarchs is dedicated to the three saints and greatest enlighteners and teachers in the history of Christianity: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom. Although each of them has their own day of celebration in January, in the 11th century, during the emperor Alexius Komnen, their common day of celebration was established. With their lives, work, and teaching, these three Saints marked not only the time in which they lived, but also Christianity itself. The immediate reason for establishing their common Slava was because there were discussions among the people as to which of these three Saints was greater. Some praised Vasily for his purity and courage, others for Gregory for his unreachable depth and height of mind in theology, and the third for Chrysostom for his marvelous brilliance and clarity of faith. Because of these claims, they were popularly known as Vasilians, Gregorians and Jovians. But by God’s deliberation, this dispute was resolved for the benefit of the church and for the even greater glory of the three saints.
Celebration of the Holy Three Hierarchs has a great tradition in all Orthodox countries, and in Greece it even has a national character and is considered a holiday of education and the teachers.