Undergraduate studies – electronic application in May

The application for enrollment in the new accredited program of four-year undergraduate studies in Engineering Management, as well as for the program of three-year undergraduate studies in Management, continues on May 11 and in May is done exclusively online.

The applications can be done through the website https://fim.edu.rs/en/study-at-fim/undergraduate-studies/undergraduate-admissions/

Entrance exams and enrollment will take place in terms that will be determined according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Education and KONUS, according to the appropriate health procedures, about which the candidates will be informed in a timely manner.

Due to the current epidemiological situation, it is not possible for high school graduates and their parents to visit the School in May. If candidates need help in choosing a program or direction, they can contact us via email karijera@fim.rs.

Information on programs and enrollment is available on the Study at FIM page:

Undergraduate studies