Activities of our professors – Doc. Dr. Biljana Stojanović Višić – Conferences in PKS

In the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia at the presentation of the study “Potential of the Western Balkans for attracting permanent investments in the post-covid period”, September 20, 2021, Doc. Dr. Biljana Stojanović-Višić represented the School of Engineering Management. The study was prepared by the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies in cooperation with the Western Balkan Chambers of Commerce and their joint association – Chamber Investment Forum ZB6 (KIF ZB6), as part of the Western Balkans Chamber of Commerce Partnership Project supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation. and the development of Germany. At this presentation, experts from the Western Balkans and Serbian Chambers of Commerce Partnership Project, together with the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, presented the main conclusions of the study, which indicates that Western Balkan economies can benefit from the changes expected by the post-pandemic world. production and supply in new markets, and with the necessary continuation of the improvement of the economic environment of the Western Balkans.

Doc. Dr. Biljana Stojanović-Višić also represented the School at the Regional Conference on Trends in Telecommunications and Media DIGITAL 2021, held on September 17, 2021, at the Metropol Hotel in Belgrade, organized by Color Media Communications and under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and Information Of Serbia. The program of the conference was dedicated to what the world of media, telecommunications and digital trends in the coming period in these areas looked like and will look like. Through panel discussions, lectures and case studies, they talked about what has happened in the world of information and telecommunication technologies in the past year, what are the new trends and challenges in cyber security, in which direction is the global expansion of artificial intelligence and 5G technology, what is it digital humanities, what content is placed before us, whether the future is in ‘special interest’ media, what are the novelties in digital diplomacy and what the media and agency scene in the region looks like today, etc.