Advertisement for DSC Lead
DSC Lead ad:
Dear students, Google is looking for leaders in the Developers Student Clubs (DSC) program. DSCs are university groups (communities) for students interested in Google technologies. Students of all undergraduate or graduate programs who are interested in developing as programmers are welcome. By joining DSC, students develop through the exchange of knowledge and experiences in an encouraging environment and create solutions for local businesses and the community. To open a DSC chapter at your university, sign up here goo.gle/dsc-leads.
Why should you join the program?
Further development of knowledge and skills in the field of programming
Gain leadership experience
Make a positive impact on other students by training them through a variety of planned activities
Create solutions to local community problems
Be part of a global network
Access to Google technology and platforms
Invitations to selected Google events and conferences
Attend the DSC Leaders Summit and meet other leaders and Googlers.
The application form closes on May 15, 2020 at 11:59 PM, PST.
Learn more and fill out the application form at: goo.gle/dsc-leads