Applications have been opened for enrollment in accredited doctoral studies – Waste Management in the school year 2020/21!
Registration lasts until November 15!
You can see the study program here.
All interested candidates can send their applications via e-mail prijava@fim.rs, as well as ask questions about the program or schedule an interview with professors who teach the program via e-mail office@fim.rs.
The aim of the study program is to develop process thinking that provides a good basis for understanding the idea of industrial waste, or systemic and engineering approach to its management. Students will understand that companies are part of the social, economic, and cultural reality in which they exist and that the way of waste disposal, establishing transversal links, integration, interrelation and horizontal strategy related to waste disposal is extremely important. With such knowledge, students will understand and believe that waste management can only be based on innovative solutions, and their foundation lies in knowledge. The study program will thus create professionals, who will constantly contribute to the creation of new knowledge.
Diploma – scientific title: Students receive a diploma: Doctor of Science – Industrial Engineering / Engineering Management.
Conditions for enrollment in the study program: The study program can be enrolled by students who have acquired 300 ECTS in academic studies, or 360 ECTS.
The curriculum is designed to enable students to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of engineering and management, or systems and engineering management, which qualify them as experts in the field of waste management.
The scientific knowledge included in the subjects of the doctoral study program contains elements necessary for independent research work. In addition, knowledge in the field of waste management provides students with highly specialized training for practical work in the field of technical and technological sciences, the field of industrial engineering and engineering management.
The program of doctoral studies includes 3 compulsory courses, 4 elective courses (out of the 8 courses offered, the student chooses 4 courses). In addition, the curriculum includes 2 study-research papers, 1 study-research and 1 scientific-research project. Based on the curriculum conceived in this way, the student is able to approach the study-research work, the part of the curriculum that aims to develop the subject and goal of the doctoral dissertation. After defending and publicly accepting the study-research work, the student approaches the preparation and defense of the doctoral dissertation – the most important part of the curriculum.
Manner of teaching: Studies are conducted in Serbian and English.
Registration lasts until November 15!