Career Management Handbook

New edition of the School of Engineering Management, professional Career guide by Ass. Prof. Tatjana Ilić-Kosanović, PhD, is primarily intended for students of the School of Engineering Management with the aim of assisting in the process of career planning, understanding their own knowledge, skills and abilities and entering the labor market.

The guide can also be useful to students of other higher education institutions in their efforts to increase their employability. Strengthening the employability of young graduates of various profiles is extremely important for the development of economic and social potentials of Serbia through the improvement of knowledge of young people. The guide can also be useful for high school graduates of various profiles, either those who enter the labor market immediately after high school or those who will continue their education.

The guide explains the process of career planning, the necessity of self-assessment, improvement of one’s own knowledge, skills, and abilities, networking, as well as attending work practice. The guide also demystifies the process of selecting candidates from employers and points out the necessary steps in the job search process. Essential information on the role and formulation of the CV and cover letter is provided.

The attachments show examples of a person’s work biography in two versions of different quality and two motivation (cover) letters of different quality, and several self-assessment tools are given: career planning form, self-assessment form, work environment form. These tools can help students prepare for a conversation with a career counselor in their institution, but also to better understand themselves, their weaknesses and strengths, their knowledge, skills, abilities, but also interests. The most frequently asked questions at the job interview are also attached.

This guide, based on more than ten years of successful practice in running higher education centers for career development and career guidance and counseling, is a good basis for students to start their own career management activities, based on understanding their own knowledge, skills, abilities and interests in in order to strengthen their own employability.

The editor of the publication is prof. Dr. Vladimir Tomasevic.