Categorization of the Serbian Journal of Engineering Management
Serbian Journal of Engineering Management, a scientific-professional journal published by the School of Engineering Management and the Society of Engineering Management, received a categorization of the Ministry of Education and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia for the year 2018 as a new scientific journal (http://www.mpn.gov.rs /wp-content/uploads/2018/11/knc-2018.pdf).
School of Engineering Management wishes to thank for the efforts made to: the editor-in-chief of the journal, Prof. Dr. Vladimir Tomašavić, deputy editor-in-chief, assistant professor Tatjana Ilić-Kosanović, PhD, vice-dean for international cooperation and editorial board member Prof. Dr. Brankica Pažun and the editorial board consisting of:
- Prof. Dr Nikolay Popov, Tambov State Technical University, Russia
- Prof. Dr. Jasmina Starc, Faculty of Business and Management Sciences, Novo Mesto, Slovenia
- Prof. Dr. Simon Muhič, Faculty of Technologies and Systems, Novo Mesto, Slovenia
- Prof. Dr Marjana Merkač Skok, GEA College, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Prof. Dr. Ioan Bacivarov, Professor, ETTI – University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
- Prof. Dr Sonja Cindori, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Croatia
- Prof. Dr. Jelena Buha, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
- Prof. Ozren Ocić, Ph.D., Faculty of Engineering Management, Belgrade, Serbia
- Prof. Dr Duško Tomić, American University in Emirates, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- Prof. Dr Drago Pupavac, Polytechnic in Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia
- Dr. Denes Bulkai, Bulkai kft, Hungary
- Dr Bojana Panic, Center for Genetics, Belgrade, Serbia
- Ivan Alfieri, IMED – Istituto Mediterraneo del Design, Italy.
The journal is dedicated to the topics of engineering management and industrial engineering.
Topics: engineering management, industrial engineering, project management, strategic management, logistics, operations management, production management systems, quality control, quality management, risk management, information and communication technology management, management in high tech industries, environmental management, management of maintenance, marketing, entrepreneurship, human resource management, financial management, creative industries management, security management.
The official languages of the journal are English and Serbian.
Preparations are underway to publish the sixth issue of the magazine, and articles can be submitted to the editorial office no later than December 25, 2018.