Unlocking the value of 5G in the B2B marketplace

  • 10:57AM Dec 02, 2021

Telco operators typically seek to pack their networks with as many customers as possible, while other sectors, such as airlines and hotels, occasionally leave space open. These empty seats and rooms may present as lost opportunities, but in fact they are inevitable by products of yield management: an approach to price optimization that telcos have […]

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Prof. Dr. Vladica Ristic a guest of TV Happy daily news

  • 8:24PM Nov 30, 2021

Prof. Dr. Vladica Ristic was a guest today on TV Happy where he spoke about environmental protection and announced a conference on Circular and Bioeconomy (CIBEK) which the School of Engineering Management together with the Society of Engineering Management of Serbia will organize for the fourth time in 2022. Authors from Great Britain, Portugal, Austria, […]

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Erasmus + General Call for Proposals for 2022

  • 1:18PM Nov 29, 2021

The European Commission has published a new Erasmus + General Call for Proposals for 2022, which describes in detail all types of projects and deadlines for all individual components of the program. The status of the Republic of Serbia as a third country joining the Program continues in the new invitation, which means that institutions […]

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Prof. Dr. Vladimir Tomašević on TV K1

  • 3:52PM Nov 24, 2021

Prof. Dr. Vladimir Tomašević, Dean of the School of Engineering Management, was a guest today on TV K1 on the accident in the company EDePro. Professor Tomašević spoke about the procedures for safety and health at work in the defense industry, as well as about the geographical positioning of the defense industry.

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Students required for the Conference Protocol

  • 8:28AM Nov 24, 2021

Students who want to volunteer in the Protocol for the Conference, which will be held on December 6, can contact the Career Development Center via e-mail karijera@fim.rs until Friday, November 26. It is necessary to submit your name and surname, year of study, mobile phone number for creating a viber group and a valid e-mail […]

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Prof. Dr. Vladimir Tomašević spoke about today’s accident

  • 9:54PM Nov 23, 2021

Prof. Dr. Vladimir Tomašević, Dean of the School of Engineering Management, spoke today for Kurir TV about the accident at EDePro, the need for rigorous safety and health procedures at work in the defense industry, as well as the geographical positioning of the defense industry. You can see more at: https://www.kurir.rs/crna-hronika/3815281/uzivo-kako-je-doslo-do-eksplozije-u-fabrici-raketnog-goriva-u-novembru-2008-godine-u-istoj-toj- fabrici-desio-se-slican-slucaj https://www.blic.rs/vesti/hronika/takva-fabrika-ne-bi-trebalo-da-se-nalazi-blizu-naseljenom-mestu-u-firmi-kod-bubanj/857zzct Photo source: […]

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Erasmus + information days from 8 to 10 December

  • 9:58AM Nov 23, 2021

The largest European program for education, training, youth and sports – Erasmus + continues to support various forms of cooperation between institutions and organizations through project competitions, and during Erasmus + week we will introduce participants to the opportunities that institutions and organizations from Serbia have at their disposal. for 2022. The Erasmus + week […]

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Commendation to Olga Masic

  • 2:13PM Nov 22, 2021

  Olga Mašić, student advisor at the Career Development Center of the School of Engineering Management, is the recepient of the Euroguidance commendation for the project “Path to Career”, for the inclusion of a peer mentor in career guidance and counseling activities.

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