Generation Unlimited

  • 9:08AM Jan 17, 2020

A call for the Generation Unlimited program, supported by UNICEF and UNDP in Serbia, is open until February 10 and is being implemented by the Spill with the support of the Scout Alliance of Serbia. Generation Unlimited brings together young people (14-24 years old) who want to solve problems in their community regarding education, employability […]

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Accreditation of the master program in Vranje

  • 10:58AM Jan 15, 2020

At the forty-first session of the Commission for Accreditation and Quality Control (KAPK) held at the Palace of Serbia, the seat of the National Body for Accreditation and Quality Control in Higher Education (NAT), on Thursday, December 26, 2019, the  accreditation of the study program: MAS – Project Management and Industry 4.0, in Serbian, in […]

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Re-accreditation of the School of Engineering Management

  • 11:57AM Jan 14, 2020

At the forty-first session of the Commission for Accreditation and Quality Control (KAPK) held at the Palace of Serbia, the seat of the National Body for Accreditation and Quality Control in Higher Education (NAT), on Thursday, December 26, 2019, it was decided on the accreditation of the School of Engineering Management as an institution, as […]

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The international scientific conference „Circular and Bioeconomy“

  • 10:44AM Dec 27, 2019

Dear Colleagues, School of Engineering Management with the support of The Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, and with co-organizer Society of economists of Belgrade and the Engineering Management Society of Serbia invites you to take an active part in the International Scientific Conference „Cirkularna i bioekonomija – CIBEK […]

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Instructions to the Authors

  • 10:02AM Dec 27, 2019

One author may submit up to two papers as the first. The number of co-authors per work can be up to three. At the conference, as an author or co-author, a participant may submit up to two papers. Download the author’s guide HERE (in Serbian and English) Conference language The official languages of the conference […]

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The thematic content

  • 9:37AM Dec 27, 2019

Dear colleagues, Circular economy is a concept that is being developed intensively in economic systems today which is based on the idea of "closing the loop economy". The traditional – linear economy has not sufficiently influenced the development and improvement of the process of reparation and recycling in order to reuse the product, which has […]

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Rethinking manufacturing and distribution networks in medtech

  • 9:45AM Dec 25, 2019

Changes in the medtech market have left many companies struggling with their operational footprints. A network redesign can help them save costs, increase flexibility, and create a competitive edge. Under pressure from a rising cost base and increasingly demanding service expectations, many medtech companies are looking to reduce operating expenditure and increase their flexibility. Through […]

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  • 9:09PM Dec 24, 2019

School of engineering management takes this opportunity to wish all of its’ students, associates, friends, and their families a Merry Christmas that celebrate this joyous occasion according to the Gregorian calendar.

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