Challenges of protecting operational technology

  • 7:38AM Apr 23, 2019

Most of today’s OT networks consist of legacy equipment originally designed to be perimeter protected (“air gapped”) from unsecure networks. Over time, however, much of it has become connected to IT networks. Most security efforts to protect OT involve network-based controls such as firewalls that allow data to leave the OT network for analysis, but […]

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Scientific-professional conference The impact of natural and technological disasters on the environment and economy

  • 8:22AM Apr 22, 2019

A three-day scientific-professional conference The Impact of Natural and Technological Disasters on the Environment and Economy began today, co-organized by the School of Engineering Management. Prof. Dr. Vladimir Tomašević, President of the Council of the School, is in the scientific committee of the conference. The papers will be presented by prof. Dr. Vladimir Tomašević, Prof. […]

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  • 7:31AM Apr 19, 2019

WHAT IS COKE SUMMERSHIP? An ideal summer dose of knowledge and a real business experience that will help you take advantage of your potential and professionally improve yourself. Summership gives you the opportunity to work four weeks a week with a mentor on a real project that is being implemented in the company, and one […]

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The Social Impact Award 2019

  • 7:21AM Apr 18, 2019

The Social Impact Award is intended for young people aged 15 to 30 who can apply as individuals or within a team and want to launch a social enterprise, or an idea for solving a social or environmental problem. The best ideas go into a process of incubation that lasts three months and during which […]

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Prominent winners of the Belgrade City Award for 2018

  • 1:27PM Apr 16, 2019

The winners of the Belgrade City Award for 2018 were proclaimed today at the ceremonial session of the Belgrade City Assembly which was held in the Old Palace. The session was attended by Prof. Dr. Vladimir Tomasevic as Chairman of the Commitee in the field of Natural-technical sciences, as well as professors of the School […]

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Pushing manufacturing productivity to the max

  • 10:29AM Apr 16, 2019

Advanced analytics and lower-cost computing give companies a powerful tool for managing profitability on an hourly basis. Many companies do their best to optimize production processes using established rules of thumb or incomplete data. But at the end of the month or reporting period, they often discover sizeable gaps between actual profits and what they had […]

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The book “MITOPOETICS” – Prof. Dr. Miomir Petrović

  • 8:00AM Apr 10, 2019

A new book by Prof. Dr. Miomir Petović “MITOPOETICS” (presence of mythological matrices in the works of Wim Wenders, Christopher Ransmayer, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Francis Bacon in the edition of the Zavod za udžbenike, Belgrade 2019, ISBN 978-86-17-19946-1). Monograph “Mitopoetics” points to the transformation of the mythological matrix in contemporary artistic works and systematizes the […]

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How analytics can drive smarter engineering and construction decision

  • 7:38AM Apr 10, 2019

The construction business faces a major productivity challenge. While labor productivity in the global economy has increased by an average of 2.8 % a year over the past two decades, and in manufacturing by an impressive 3.6 %, the construction sector has registered a mere 1 percent annual improvement. As the capital-project partners responsible for […]

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