COBISS Day at the National Library of Serbia
Jelena Mitić, Head of Library, attended the COBISS Day at the National Library of Serbia on November 30.
On the occasion of the celebration of 20 years since the establishment of the Center for Mutual Cataloging in the Republic of Serbia in the Bibliographic System COBISS, in cooperation with the Institute of Information Sciences from Maribor, the National Library of Serbia organized the COBISS Day and Conference Virtual Library of Serbia: the First Twenty Years.
In the introductory part, a large number of attendees were addressed by Dr. Vladimir Pištalo, Director of the National Library of Serbia, Radovan Jokić, Assistant Minister of Culture of the Republic of Serbia and Dr. Aleš Bošnjak, Director of the Institute of Information Sciences, Maribor.
The first session was dedicated to system innovations COBISS Cat and COBISS Lib, during the second session the E-CRIS system was presented and COBISS in the context of the eNauka system, as well.
Photo: Biljana Rakočević, National Library of Serbia