New course in Organizational Behavior, Culture and Industry Leadership 4.0
Students of the new master’s study program Project Management and Industry 4.0 for the first time this semester have the opportunity to attend the elective course Organizational Behavior, Culture and Leadership in Industry 4.0.
The course studies the contemporary context of organizational behavior, organizational culture and leadership in the context of technological change and industry 4.0. The aim of the course is to deepen theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of organizational behavior, organizational culture, and leadership in organizations, as well as understanding the role of technological and other changes that affect employee behavior in the organization, organizational culture and leadership. Attention is paid to new competencies that are expected from leaders in the future.
Students gain the ability not only to recognize, but also to anticipate changes that will affect organizational behavior, organizational culture, and leadership in future organizations.
The course is designed to include individual and group work of students and includes analysis of scientific and professional articles, group discussions, individual and group presentations, as well as analysis of case studies.