New elective Master course – Circular and Bioeconomics Projects
We continue to present the course in the new accredited Master’s program – Project Management and Industry 4.0. One of the elective courses is Circular and Bioeconomics Projects.
The general goal of the course is for students to acquire knowledge about creating project applications and the implementation of projects funded by European Union programs and other programs in the field of circular and bioeconomics. An additional goal is the successful application of knowledge to finance innovative ideas in the field of circular and bioeconomics.
Students will gain knowledge about strategic documents in the field of circular and bioeconomy, programming of EU and other programs for project financing, existing programs and those available to Serbia, problem solving through creating project ideas, project partnerships, describing project goals and activities, outputs and long-term impact of the project, project sustainability and multiplier effects, project visibility, budgeting and project implementation reports in the field of circular and bioeconomy.
Key topics: Project definition, project cycle, project management subsystems and specifics for the field of waste management; Programming of EU projects with a focus on environmental requirements; EU strategic documents in the field of circular and bioeconomics: EU programs in the field of environmental protection. Problem tree, solution tree; Logic matrix; Project summary, project background, general and specific project objectives; Target groups, horizontal requirements regarding sectors and target groups; Multiplying effects. Project innovation; Project budget; Public procurement rules; Supporting project documentation; Example of project application for the field of circular and bioeconomics; Project evaluation; Finding partners, finding calls for applications, project implementation.