3rd Virtual International Conference Path to a Knowledge Society-Managing Risks and Innovation PaKSoM 2021

  • 3:46PM Nov 15, 2021

Luka Latinović, teaching associate at the School of Engineering Management, presented today his paper Vigenère Cipher Improvement – Software Realization and Reduction to the One-Time Pad at the 3rd Virtual International Conference Path to a Knowledge Society-Managing Risks and Innovation PaKSoM 2021 The organizer of the PaKSoM conference is the Mathematical Institute of the Serbian […]

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Armistice Day 1918-2021

  • 12:43PM Nov 10, 2021

We would like to inform the students, professors, and associates that, due to the upcoming public holiday, the Day of Armistice in the First World War, the School will not work on Thursday, November 11, 2021.

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Prof. Dr. Vladimir Tomašević gave a lecture by invitation at the 1st International Arabian-Gulf Security Conference

  • 10:18AM Nov 10, 2021

Prof. Dr. Vladimir Tomašević held a lecture today entitled “Threats of mercenary corporate cyber terrorism” at the 1st International Arabian-Gulf Security Conference, which is being held from 10 to 11 November in online format. The conference is organized by The American University in the Emirates (AUE). More about the conference: https://iagsc.aue.ae/

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Guest lecture – Nikola Petrović, ISAC Fund

  • 9:25AM Nov 08, 2021

Nikola Petrović, Executive Director of the Center for International and Security Affairs (ISAC Fund), gave a lecture to IV year students on the topic “Operations and the impact of NGOs”. He shared experiences from many years of work on projects in the civil sector, as well as recommendations for students’ career after graduation.  

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Preparing students for conferences and competitions 2021/22

  • 1:52PM Nov 05, 2021

Representatives of the Student Parliament, Olga Masic (president) and Luka Latinovic (secretary) in two occasions, on October 29 and November 5, presented to first-year students opportunities for student participation in the scientific work of the School (CIBEK conference) and scientific and professional competitions, case studies). A call for creating teams for various scientific and professional […]

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Video of the ninth Euroguidance conference “Career guidance and counseling in the Republic of Serbia and Europe”

  • 9:13AM Nov 04, 2021

You can watch the recording of the ninth Euroguidance conference “Career guidance and counseling in the Republic of Serbia and Europe” here. On the first day of the conference, awards and special commendations were given. The activity of career guidance and counseling “Path to Career” of the Center for Career Development of the School of […]

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Working hours of the Career Development Centre in the winter semester 2021/22

  • 9:57AM Nov 01, 2021

Career Development Centre in the winter semester of the school year 2021/22 works with students on Mondays and Wednesdays from 11.00-15.00. Counseling sessions must be scheduled via e-mail career@fim.rs. Counseling sessions with the director of the Center, Prof. Dr. Tatjana Ilić-Kosanović, are held in room 338 or online (Zoom). Counseling with student counselor Olga Mašić […]

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