Extended application for doctoral studies until December 24!

  • 9:41AM Dec 21, 2020

The application for doctoral studies in Waste Management has been extended until December 24! Interested candidates can schedule an admission meeting at the students’ service via e-mail studentska.sluzba@fim.rs. All interested candidates can send their applications via e-mail prijava@fim.rs, as well as ask questions about the program or schedule an interview with professors who teach the […]

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29th International Scientific Conference KNOWLEDGE IN PRACTICE

  • 4:40PM Dec 18, 2020

Prof. Dr. Vladimir Tomašević and Prof. Dr. Hatidža Beriša presented their paper Theoretical and practical aspects of critical infrastructure protection at the online conference: 29th International Scientific Conference KNOWLEDGE IN PRACTICE, organized by The Institute of Knowledge Management – Skopje.

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Modular construction: From projects to products

  • 10:20AM Dec 18, 2020

For decades, construction has lagged behind other sectors in productivity. Modular construction offers the industry an opportunity to make a step change: shifting many aspects of building activity away from traditional construction sites and into factories with off-site, manufacturing-style production. Modular (or prefabricated) construction is not a new concept, but technological improvements, economic demands, and […]

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Online classes until December 25

  • 12:52PM Dec 17, 2020

Classes will be held online next week at the School of Engineering Management for students of all levels of study and all years of study. First- and second-year students will receive calls for Zoom lectures in a timely manner through the Google Classroom platform by subject professors. Online classes are held on schedule. Attendance is […]

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United Arab Emirates space mission to Mars

  • 1:50PM Dec 15, 2020

Students of the School of Engineering Management had the opportunity today, through the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates, to attend the webinar “Space Mission of the United Arab Emirates to Mars”. Through the story of the UAE Mars mission, the webinar showed how the UAE as a state empowers young people and builds new […]

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The industrial CEO`s plan for the digital recovery

  • 10:22AM Dec 15, 2020

Across industrial sectors from automotive and machinery to aerospace and electronics companies have had to adapt every facet of their operations in response to the COVID-19 crisis, and many of these changes look set to endure long after the pandemic ends. For example, e-commerce and remote selling have become the preferred modes of doing business, […]

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Webinar United Arab Emirates Space Mission to Mars

  • 9:33AM Dec 14, 2020

The Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Belgrade in cooperation with Petnica Science Center is organizing a webinar “United Arab Emirates Space Mission to Mars” on Tuesday, December 15, 2020 at 12 pm (Belgrade time).​ The webinar is going to show through a story of UAE Mars Mission how does the UAE as a […]

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