Opportunity for experienced researchers: GOT ENERGY TALENT
Opportunity for experienced researchers: GOT ENERGY TALENT – Second Call for Fellowships will open on 3rd April 2019 with deadline 2nd July 2019!
GOT ENERGY TALENT (GET) is a fellowship programme co-funded by the EU as part of the H2020-MSCA-COFUND programme (Grant Agreement number 754382). GET is run by the University of Alcalá (UAH) as beneficiary of the action in collaboration with the University Rey Juan Carlos (URJC). Both universities co-fund the action in equal parts.
GET is an ambitious programme that aims not only to enable researchers to conduct their own excellent research project. It also intends to bring research closer to society and produce a positive effect, not only in terms of excellent science and talent attraction but also by strengthening the regional economy and promoting international networking. GET’s field of action is one of the priorities of the Smart Specialisation Strategy (RIS3) of the region of Madrid. Moreover, the topic responds to the long-term vision of the Universidad de Alcalá and the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, which together launched the CIE (Campus of International Excellence) ‘Smart Energy’ focusing on Bioenergy and Smart Cities.
GOT ENERGY TALENT will offer 34 fellowships for experienced researchers to develop a 24-month stay through 2 open calls at international level (17 fellowships per call). The postdoctoral fellows will have a full trans-national mobility experience. The two academic host institutions, the UAH and the URJC, will each hire 17 fellows over the lifetime of the fellowship programme. Therefore, in each call a total of 8/9 fellows will be received by each academic host institution.
More information at: http://gotenergytalent.uah.es/got-overview/#1524143676959-b2599de0-1ac5