Professional training for students of the School of Engineering Management

We are pleased to inform you that as students of the School of Engineering Management you can enjoy special benefits when attending accredited preparatory training for professional exams in the field of security.

As you know, in addition to formal, non-formal forms of education such as professional, vocational training of our School, provide you with the opportunity to acquire and improve your specialized knowledge and skills. Additionally, after passing the professional exams, you become stronger competitors in the labor market.

The faculty implements accredited training in three areas: private security, fire protection, emergency management.

1. Private security:
O1 (risk assessment in the protection of persons, property, and business in the field of private security),
O2 (physical and technical protection of persons, property and maintaining order at sports events, public gatherings, and other gathering places of citizens),
O3 (planning, design, and supervision over the execution of the technical protection system and installation, commissioning, and maintenance of the technical protection system).
2. Fire protection: preparatory training for taking the professional exam Fire protection.
3. Emergency management: preparatory training for taking the professional exam for the preparation of Disaster Risk Assessment and protection and rescue plans.
For additional information, please contact and / or phone 0644152497.
Contact person: Marko Gnjatović.

Best regards, Vocational Training Service.