Serbian Journal of Engineering Management at EBSCO Database
Serbian Journal of Engineering Management is listed in the EBSCO database and will soon appear in one of the collections.
Serbian Journal of Engineering Management is a scientific and professional journal published by the School of Engineering Management and the Society of Engineering Management of Serbia. The journal is categorized by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development.
This international journal is dedicated to the topics of engineering management and industrial engineering and is published twice a year (in January and July). Topics covered in the journal are: Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Project Management, Strategic Management, Logistics, Operations Management, Production Systems Management, Quality Control, Quality Management, Entrepreneurship, Risk Management, Human Resource Management, Financial Management, Information Systems, Management in High-tech Industries, Environmental Management, Maintenance Management, Creative Industry Management, Security Management and Marketing.
The editorial board of the journal consists of prominent scientists from different countries of the world who are dedicated to setting a high academic standard and promoting the principles of engineering management in Serbia.