Universal design

The Cultural Center of Belgrade, in cooperation with Ivan Bućko, a certified interpreter and lecturer for Serbian sign language, is launching a project called “Universal Design”. In the first phase, the project will be realized through a series of workshops, and its goal is to raise awareness, as well as to achieve universal solutions that ensure full inclusion of persons with disabilities in the program of cultural institutions in Serbia. The goal is to launch newsrooms within the institutions themselves, which would work on the implementation of design for all.

During the workshops, a team of accessibility experts will talk about accessibility principles, legislative frameworks, handicap access theory, as well as joint implementation actions. Inclusiveness will be seen from the perspective of participation and design for all, ie universal design. In addition to getting acquainted with the basics of using sign language through movement, the workshops will discuss suggestions on how to make the programs we create equally accessible to people with disabilities, how to recognize the real needs of these users, how to respond to them and how to include them equally. programs that we implement within our institutions.

The workshops are intended primarily for employees of public cultural institutions in Belgrade and Serbia, those who create programs in the field of culture and art, educators, as well as all those who are interested in cooperating with us on this project.

Places are limited and applications are open until the capacity of the groups is filled.

Please send the application containing your name and surname, the name of the institution where you work or the job you are doing, the date for which you are applying, no later than October 22, 2021. at jovana.radovanovic@kcb.org.rs

Program: Accessibility Workshop

Date: October 25/1 November 2021

Time: 8.30 – 17.00

Place: Cultural Center of Belgrade

Artget Gallery, Trg republike 5, first floor

(persons with disabilities entrance accessible from Knez Mihailova 6)

Workshop leader: Bojana Rudić Počuč, Ljupka Mihajlovska, Marko Pejović, Ivana Bućko