VICTORS AND VICTORIES MUSEUM NIGHT at Belgrade Dance Institute May 19th, 2018
As part of Museum Night, Belgrade Dance Institute will present contemporary research made by its students and professors, created in the field of dance forms. They will show choreographies, photographs and videos. The works will be shown the Institute building, at Bulevar vojvode Mišića 43.Students of the Faculty of Engineering Management will take part in the event, as they will be in charge of implementing the security protocols.
The choreography called “Stradanje i ubistvo Žan Pol Mara kako ih prikazuje glumačka trupa ludnice u Šarantonu pod vođstvom Markiza de Sada“ (The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat … Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade is performed at the ceremonial Hall of the Institute starting from 7 p.m.
The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat … Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade
asistant Aleksandar Nikolić – mentor
Nikola Pavlović – choreography
Pieter Weiss’s Piece The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat … Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade
(hereinafter referred to as Marat/Sade) is a grotesque staging of a historical event. The hybrid and contradictory nature of the narrative, the contrast of the theme , the way it is dealt with, the confusing contrast of the meaning of the text and the language it employs, all include Marat / Sade in the collection of the most interesting works of modern drama heritage. In addition to great interest it attracts, the work has won the highest awards of professional critics, becoming a classic of avant-garde. From the teaching point of view, the text is significant as an extremely provocative and fruitful ground for the performers. With its specific genre (based on tragicomedy and grotesque), strong political engagement and philosophical reflection on community and changes it goes through, it is an outstanding ground where choreographers and performers (Belgrade Dance Institute students ) realise their vision. The piece of Mara/Sade describes the bizarre performance which the patients in Charenton play for the gathered audiences, who are more interested in the scandals and imprudence of the participants, than in the subject matter they deal with or the artistic achievements, the same way contemporary audiences are.
Choreographers and performers: students of the second year at Belgrade Dance Institute (in cooperation with first and third year students, as well as solo singing students of the Faculty Sujić).
Koreografi i izvođači: studenti II godine Instituta za umetničku igru u Beogradu (u saradnji sa studentima I i III godine, kao i studentima solo pevanja sa Fakulteta muzičkih umetnosti u Beogradu i Teodora Sujić).
Ceremonial Hall
Nikola Pavlović
“Ko bradu kosi a ko penu nosi”, video
Jelisaveta Vučenović
„Internal sounds“, video
Jovana Ikonić
“Sekunda”, video
Nikola Pavlović
“Čekajući Beograd na vodi”, video
Nikola Pavlović
“Jutro”, video
Jovana Ikonić
“Znam”, video
Đurđija Jelenković
The performance and choreography “The Loneliness of Prime Numbers”, directed and performed by Djurdjija Jelenkovic, deals with the topic of the 1917 Russian Revolution, transferred to the architectural material of space and movement. This has led to a performance that uses a row of raised windows as space as a symbol of revolution in space and speech as a revolution in motion
Photography exhibition by undergraduate students at Belgrade Dance Institute
Ceremonial hall
Photographs were created in classes of two courses led by Nemanja Maras, assistant professor: Introduction to Movement and Image and Movement and Image.