We present courses in doctoral studies: Waste recycling

The objectives of the course are systematic and critical consideration of the need to provide knowledge and acquire a scientific basis for managing the recycling process (solid waste), acquiring the necessary skills to form and implement sustainable local and regional strategies for solid waste recycling management plans and adoption and acquisition of the latest scientific knowledge. waste recycling and other possibilities of its utilization.

Upon completion of the course the student will be able to competently analyze the requirements of domestic and international regulations in the field of waste management and recycling, apply the acquired knowledge and contribute to improving the recycling process within an integrated solid waste management system. within the framework of sustainable solid waste management, understands recycling processes in recycling centers and companies in order to better manage the process.

Course content: Basics of the recycling process within the solid waste management process. Sources, characteristics and quantities of solid waste for recycling (glass, paper, plastic, e-waste). Assessment of recyclable materials, specifications and recycling markets. Waste collection for recycling. Transport of waste for recycling. Solid waste recycling and recycling infrastructures. Recycling processes of various waste (glass, paper, plastic, e-waste). Use of recycled waste. Sustainability, climate change and municipal solid waste recycling. Basic environmental indicators for waste reduction. Existing legislation in Europe, the USA and the Republic of Serbia. Prospects for harmonization of Serbian legislation with the EU. Waste recycling programs at the state level and at the level of local governments. Development of solid waste recycling strategies at the state and local government level. Future directions of solid waste recycling.