We present new undergraduate courses – Industry 4.0
We are presenting some of the new courses for the new curricula of the undergraduate Engineering management program.
Industry 4.0
The goal is to train the students to understand and work on integrating industrial processes into global changes brought by digitizing the processes. They need to be able to automate and share data in production technologies. This includes the use of Internet technologies, the Internet of things, Cloud computing, Big data processes, Artificial Intelligence and standards for computer security and system safety. These students will be able to fit into the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The students will be able to understand and apply new global technologies in the technological processes of individual industries based on data digitalization and data exchange in the world where physical elements exchange data between each other and manipulate processes through artificial intelligence. The students will posses readiness to introduce the concept of smart factory, smart city, and smart services. The students will be able to understand the possibilities, opportunities and challenges of Industry 4.0. and how companies and individuals need to prepare for it and what benefits it brings.
Some of the key topics: Digitization and network economy; Launchers and challenges of Industry 4.0; Comparison of a classical and smart company; Road to Industry 4.0: Internet of Things; Smart production and Smart products; Smart logistics; Smart cities and regions; Technologies for Industry 4.0: Cyberphysical Systems, Robotics, Support Systems; Technologies for Industry 4.0: Mobile applications. Computer security and safety; The role of data, information, knowledge and networking in the company of the future. Clustering companies; Data as a new company resource, knowledge sharing, cloud computing; Internet Things, Sensors and Laboratories in Industry 4.0; Big Data Concept; Opportunities and Challenges of Industry 4.0; Workers of the future, new knowledge, new skill; Analysis of the situation in Europe, America, China and other countries; The possibility of Serbia to develop in the direction of Industry 4.0;
Lab/exercises that are going to be organized are going to include case studies, and laboratory exercises in an electronic classroom.