Climathon Belgrade 2020

  • 3:38PM Nov 20, 2020

We would like to inform you that Climathon Belgrade 2020 will be held on 28-29 November 2020 as an online event. Originally launched as an EIT Climate-KIC initiative, Climathon has grown into a global movement in which 145 cities in 56 countries on 6 continents participated last year, with 6,500 participants generating 600 fantastic innovative […]

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Global talent management, mobility and the impact of the Covid-19 virus pandemic

  • 8:01AM Nov 20, 2020

Prof.  Dr. Tatjana Ilić-Kosanović On Thursday, November 19, participated in the lecture Global Talent Management, Mobility and the Impact of the Covid-19 Virus Pandemic, held by prof. Dr. David Collings, Professor of Human Resource Management at Dublin City University Business School. The lecture was organized in cooperation with the Center for Global Workforce Strategy at […]

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Guest lecture – Svetlana Milatović

  • 12:38PM Nov 19, 2020

Today, the first-year students were given a guest lecture by Svetlana Milatović, Sartoria Sako, who introduced the students to the challenges of entrepreneurship in the so-called “High end” fashion segment in Serbia and abroad.

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Commendation within the National competition in the field of career guidance and counseling

  • 8:35AM Nov 18, 2020

As part of this year’s National Competition in the Field of Career Guidance and Counseling within the Eighth National Euroguidance Conference “Career Guidance and Counseling in the Republic of Serbia and Europe”, the School of Engineering Management won a commendation for the activity of introducing career guidance for students through the course Engineering communications 1 […]

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Prof. Dr. Dusko Tomic at the conference 8th BELGRADE NATO WEEK

  • 8:00AM Nov 18, 2020

Prof. Dr. Dusko Tomic, Head of the Department of Security at the Schhol of Engineering Management and a guest lecturer at the American University in Emirates, yesterday was a participant in the panel on Serbia’s foreign policy and security strategy at the 8th Belgrade NATO Week conference. The participants of the panel were also Sam […]

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Online classes in an accredited unit in Vrbas

  • 11:53AM Nov 17, 2020

Due to the introduced emergency situation in Vrbas, from November 17, classes for students of all years and all levels of study will be held exclusively online. Students will receive invitations to lectures by subject professors. All information about the colloquia can be obtained from the Students’ service via email and phone 021 382 […]

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Internship at the Career Development Centre 2020/21

  • 11:43AM Nov 16, 2020

Career Development Centre of the School of Engineering Management announces a competition for part-time professional practice, which begins on December 1, 2020 and ends on September 30, 2021, for the following position: Student counselor at the Career Development Centre. Conditions: • Student of III or IV year of undergraduate studies; • Average grade above 8.00; […]

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Modernizing the investment approach for electric grids

  • 11:51AM Nov 13, 2020

The future of the power grid has arrived. Utilities, policy makers, and communities have agreed for years that the aging electric transmission and distribution (T&D) grid in the United States needs to be significantly upgraded to withstand the challenges of the future. Recent events and trends across a number of fronts have made the situation more […]

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  • 4:00PM Nov 10, 2020

We remind the students and employees of preventive measures: Be sure to wear protective masks (covering nose and mouth) indoors! Arrival at the School no more than ten minutes before the lecture. Mandatory temperature measurement  (porter’s lodge). Hand disinfection at the entrance to the building and at the entrance to the premises at the third […]

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