Intern at the Career Development Centre 2018

  • 2:45PM Oct 29, 2019

The Career Development Centre of the School of Engineering Management announces a competition for internship lasting until September 30, 2019, starting from November 12, for the following position: 1. Student Advisor at the Career Development Centre. Conditions: • Student III or IV years of undergraduate studies; • Average over 8.00; • Knowledge of English language; […]

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Women in the Workplace 2019

  • 12:47PM Oct 25, 2019

Five years in to our research, we see bright spots at senior levels. But companies need to focus their efforts earlier in the pipeline to make real progress. In the last five years, we’ve seen more women rise to the top levels of companies. An increasing number of companies are seeing the value of having […]

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Graduates and the students from Vrbas visiting the School

  • 2:00PM Oct 24, 2019

High school graduates from Vrbas with their professors and students of the Accredited Unit of the School of Vrbas, today visited the Bells and Book Fair, as well as the School of Engineering Management, where they mingled with their colleagues from Belgrade and attended the lecture of professor Vladimir Tomašević, PhD on Engineering Management.

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Interactive lab excersises for 1st year students – communication

  • 1:58PM Oct 24, 2019

The firstt year students of the School of Engineering Management continued their work today through interactive exercises in the subject of Fundamentals of Management. The essence of the interactive exercises was communication and team problem solving skills. The students worked in groups, and the exercises were held by Prof. Dr. Srdjan Tomic.

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October exam period 2019

  • 9:30AM Oct 24, 2019

International students that have exams from the final year can obtain all the necessary information on October exam period at Students’ services.

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Automation in logistics: Big opportunity, bigger uncertainity

  • 7:15AM Oct 23, 2019

The history of logistics is also a history of automation, from the steam engine to the forklift to today’s robotic pickers and packers. So today’s fevered interest in new machinery, after a lull of several years, has plenty of precedent. Many trends are thrusting automation toward the top of the logistics CEO’s agenda, not least […]

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Success stories of our students – Borivoje Djukic

  • 9:43AM Oct 22, 2019

I am Borivoje Djukic, a professional athlete, I play handball for Šabac Metaloplasty and study at the School of Engineering Management! I have been practicing handball for 10 years! Metaloplasty has a rich history, this year we have placed in the Seha League. It is a league in Europe where top clubs such as Veszprem, […]

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Climathon 2019

  • 7:19AM Oct 21, 2019

The CCC’s Center for Circular Economics, in collaboration with the EIT Climate-KIC and UNDP, is organizing the Climathon project for the third time. Climathon is the world’s largest collective climate action, bringing together cities and thousands of people annually, across six continents, in over 45 countries and 113 cities, with media reach of over 150 […]

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