Erasmus + General Call for Proposals for 2022
The European Commission has published a new Erasmus + General Call for Proposals for 2022, which describes in detail all types of projects and deadlines for all individual components of the program.
The status of the Republic of Serbia as a third country joining the Program continues in the new invitation, which means that institutions and organizations have the opportunity to fully participate in all parts of the Erasmus + program, as coordinators or partners. More details on the rules and opportunities for participation can be found in the Erasmus + Program Guide for 2022.
You can see an overview of all types of projects in which Serbia can participate, as well as deadlines within this Competition, on our Calendar of Deadlines page.
Serbian First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development Branko Ruzic and European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Marija Gabriel signed an Agreement on the Republic of Serbia’s participation in the Erasmus + program, the largest EU program in the field of education, training , youth and sports.
By signing the Agreement, the Republic of Serbia shares the general goal of the Erasmus + program to support the professional and personal development of individuals in education, training, youth and sports in Europe and beyond through lifelong learning, thus contributing to sustainable growth, quality jobs and social cohesion, innovation and strengthening identity and active citizenship.
You can see more on www.erasmus.rs.