Simulation of leaderless group discussion for fourth year students – May 2021

  • 9:57AM Apr 14, 2021

Career Development Center has traditionally been organizing a simulation of Leaderless Group Discussion for students in the final year of undergraduate studies in the Engineering Management study program, as one of the most important elements in the selection of candidates for management and other professional positions. IV year students are invited to apply and send […]

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Scalability: How HR can drive value creation

  • 10:02AM Apr 13, 2021

The new normal of large, rapidly recurring skills gaps means that reskilling efforts must be transformational, not business as usual or piecemeal. Lean into a learning culture by reskilling and upskilling Effective reskilling and upskilling will require employees to embark on a blended-learning journey that includes traditional learning (training, digital courses, job aids) with nontraditional […]

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Webinar: What is wrong with Leadership Emergence?

  • 8:57AM Apr 09, 2021

Prof. Dr. Tatjana Ilić-Kosanović attended one lecture in a series of webinars, which are organized once a month for teachers in the field of human resource management, organizational behaviour, leadership and organizational culture organized by SFU Beedie School of Business, Penn State Center for International Human Resource Studies Lecture topic: What is wrong with Leadership […]

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Agility: HR’s role in flattening the organization

  • 12:12PM Apr 07, 2021

Organizational agility improves both company performance and employee satisfaction. HR can be instrumental in shifting an organization from a traditional hierarchy to a marketplace that provides talent and resources to a collection of empowered small teams, helping them to achieve their missions and acting as a common guiding star. Adopt new organizational models For instance, […]

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CIBEK 2021 conference successfully held

  • 8:14AM Apr 06, 2021

The international scientific-professional conference CIBEK 2021 was successfully held on April 1, 2021 in online format. The conference brought together scientists from several countries: Jordan,  United Arab Emirates, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, and Serbia. Keynote speakers: María Begoña Peña Lang, University Engineering School of the University of the […]

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Solar thermal systems – a new book at the library

  • 8:23AM Apr 05, 2021

The library of the School of Engineering Management is richer for the new title – Solar Thermal Systems, by Milan D. Gojak and Nedžad R. Rudonja. This edition of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade is a gift from Prof. Dr. Radivoje Mitrović, Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

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Happy Easter

  • 4:37PM Apr 04, 2021

School of engineering management takes this opportunity to wish all of its’ students, associates, friends, and their families a Happy Easter that celebrate this joyous occasion according to the Gregorian calendar.

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Discount for Mensa members for the 2020/21 school year

  • 8:13AM Apr 02, 2021

On March 30, 2021, the School of Engineering Management signed a cooperation agreement with Mensa Serbia, which provides Mensa members and their families with a 10% discount on the tuition fee. Mensa is the Latin word for table. The name of the association was chosen with an allusion to the round table which symbolizes […]

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