The students who take the exams in the April exam period can see the health procedures for entering the School at the School’s YouTube page:
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April exam period 2020 – Health procedures
- 3:58PM May 24, 2020
The students who take the exams in the April exam period can see the health procedures for entering the School at the School’s YouTube page:
Saznajte više ->The library of the School of Engineering Management will be open to users from Monday, May 25, 2020, according to the adjusted schedule, in compliance with the protection measures prescribed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and the City Institute for Public Health. Work with users will be organized as follows: the […]
Saznajte više ->In accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Education, the entry and activities of students and employees at the Faculty of Engineering Management in the period of the April exam period from May 22 to 29 will be organized according to special procedures which international students can obtain at their Students’ services.
Saznajte više ->The students that are going to attend French language test on Monday, May 25, don’t have to confirm their attendance due to safety procedures.
Saznajte više ->International students of all Master studies’ programs will receive information on April exam period from their Students’ services.
Saznajte više ->International students will get all information on upcoming April exam period from their Students’ services.
Saznajte više ->The students’ service in the coming period works from 11.00 to 13.00, every working day, exclusively with the students who schedule their arrival in advance by phone 011 41 40 420 or e-mail
Saznajte više ->The School of Engineering Management in Belgrade, as well as the Accredited Unit in Vrbas, will start working on Monday, May 18. Due to the current epidemiological situation in Vranje, the Accredited Unit in Vranje will not start working on Monday, May 18, and the students will be informed in a timely manner about further […]
Saznajte više ->DSC Lead ad: Dear students, Google is looking for leaders in the Developers Student Clubs (DSC) program. DSCs are university groups (communities) for students interested in Google technologies. Students of all undergraduate or graduate programs who are interested in developing as programmers are welcome. By joining DSC, students develop through the exchange of knowledge and […]
Saznajte više ->For technical reasons, classes in Spanish language for the first, second and third year of study through the Zoom application will not be held until the end of the current week (until May 15).
Saznajte više ->The application for enrollment in the new accredited program of four-year undergraduate studies in Engineering Management, as well as for the program of three-year undergraduate studies in Management, continues on May 11 and in May is done exclusively online. The applications can be done through the website Entrance exams and enrollment will take place […]
Saznajte više ->The agriculture sector’s role in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is widely known but not well understood. In truth, more than one-quarter of the world’s GHG emissions come from agriculture, forestry, and land-use change. And unless actively addressed, these emissions are likely to increase as more people populate the Earth and the need for food continues […]
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