The thematic content

Dear colleagues,

Circular economy is a concept that is being developed intensively in economic systems today which is based on the idea of "closing the loop economy". The traditional – linear economy has not sufficiently influenced the development and improvement of the process of reparation and recycling in order to reuse the product, which has adversely affected the environment.

Waste management is implemented through numerous stages such as collection, separation, disposal and recycling. It involves different waste reduction practices, and sharing knowledge and experience in this area can help to identify indicators and good practices for the benefit of the circular economy model. All of this can contribute to reduce barriers in these processes in different economic environments.

    The thematic content of the conference has general and specific OBJECTIVES:

  1. Better understanding of the need to use scientific knowledge and good practice examples for the circular economy to contribute much more to waste elimination and continual use of resources;
  2. Improvement of waste management system, waste treatment as a material and energy resource, based on scientific knowledge and procedures;
  3. Reduction of negative environmental effects, elimination of human health security threats, preservation of natural resources (including minerals, metals, other materials, water, and air) and biodiversity;
  4. Improvement of production activities, development of new modular products with an emphasis on creating opportunities for parts replacement processes through reparation and development of the raw materials market;
  5. Improving the work of the recycling industry;
  6. Accelerating the transition from the classical, process and processing industries to the innovative industry,
  7. Increasing employment by implementing and developing circular and bioeconomy in practice;


  1. Circular economy and sustainable development – an innovative approach;
  2. Concepts and principles of circular economy in the changed market conditions;
  3. Circular and bioeconomy and waste management;
  4. Circular and bioeconomy and employment;
  5. Security of economies – sustainability and availability of resources as a precondition for development in a globalised world.