VIII Regional Conference “Industrial Energy and Environmental Protection in the Countries of Southeast Europe”
The Thermal Society of Serbia is organizing the VIII Regional Conference on “Industrial Energy and Environmental Protection in the Countries of Southeast Europe”. The conference will be held from September 13 to 17, 2022 on Zlatibor. Participants are given the opportunity to participate directly or via a video link.
Conference topics:
- Energy policy, energy supply, legislation and incentives
- Energy efficiency and energy management in the construction industry
- Environmental protection and sustainable development
- Use of renewable energy sources
- Special sessions (Examples of good practice and implemented solutions to increase EE and the application of new energy sources; Special thematic sessions; Session of selected graduate and master theses)
All accepted papers will be published on the conference CD in the original form. Papers in written form must be submitted in English. Selected papers will be published in the journal “Thermal Science”.
Deadlines: Abstract submission 6/10/2022; Decision on acceptance of abstract 6/20/2022; Submission of the entire paper 8/20/2022; Decision on accepting the entire paper 9/1/2022.
The abstract must be submitted in English. The official languages of the conference are Serbian and English.
All information regarding the conference, registration, abstract and papers should be sent via the following conference website: https://ieep-2022.drustvo-termicara.com/ or to one of the following emails:
More information about the conference can be found here
Source: http://www.ingkomora.org.rs