Today’s Blic about Kosta Zivanovic

  • 6:29PM Nov 30, 2020

In today’s issue of the daily Blic, an article was published about Kosta Živanović, a graduate of the School of Engineering Management and Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, who through his projects and as a teaching associate of the School of Engineering Management transfers knowledge about students and other young ambitious people application of […]

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Online classes from November 30 – December 4

  • 5:31PM Nov 30, 2020

Classes will be held online this week at the School of Engineering Management for all levels of study and all years of study. First and second year students will receive calls for Zoom lectures in a timely manner through the Google Classroom platform by subject professors. Online classes are held on schedule. Attendance is recorded […]

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We present courses in doctoral studies: Waste recycling

  • 9:56AM Nov 30, 2020

The objectives of the course are systematic and critical consideration of the need to provide knowledge and acquire a scientific basis for managing the recycling process (solid waste), acquiring the necessary skills to form and implement sustainable local and regional strategies for solid waste recycling management plans and adoption and acquisition of the latest scientific […]

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Guest lecture – prof. Dr. Miodrag Ivkovic

  • 10:50PM Nov 26, 2020

Today, for the first year students, a guest online lecture was given by Prof. Dr. Miodrag Ivkovic, professor at the University of Novi Sad and a member of the board of the Pexim Foundation. Topics were public sector management and youth perspective.

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LIMEN 2020 Conference

  • 9:44AM Nov 26, 2020

Today, the scientific-professional conference LIMEN (Leadership, Innovation, Management and Economics: Integrated policy of research – LIMEN 2020) is being held, organized by UDEKOM (Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans). Prof. Dr. Vladimir Tomašević, Dean of the School of Engineering Management, gave an introductory lecture by invitation (keynote speaker) on Challenges in the development […]

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Conference Empowering Women Abroad

  • 8:40AM Nov 26, 2020

Prof. Jelena Ilić, Vice Dean for International Cooperation and Prof. Dr. Tatjana Ilić-Kosanović, Vice Dean for Research, are participating today in the online conference “Empowerment of Women Abroad” organized by Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe and Dress for Success Serbia in cooperation with the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Belgrade. The conference aims […]

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Electric mobility after the crisis: Why an auto slowdown won`t hurt EV demand

  • 8:00AM Nov 24, 2020

In 2019, electric mobility seemed poised to reach a tipping point. With more than two million electric vehicles (EVs) sold around the world, electric cars accounted for a record 2.5 % of the global light-vehicle (LV) market.1 Then the COVID-19 pandemic hit, endangering lives, shaking up supply chains and workforces, and shutting down factories. The economic […]

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Classes from November 24 to 30 – Important notice

  • 11:50AM Nov 23, 2020

From Tuesday, November 24, to Monday, November 30, classes at the School of Engineering Management will be held exclusively online for all levels of study and all years of study. First and second year students will receive invitations for Zoom lectures through Google Classroom in a timely manner from the courses’ professors. Online classes are […]

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