All international students can apply for the exams in September exam period after September 2, by contacting the appointed Students’ services officer.
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Applications for September 2019 exam period
- 12:52PM Jul 12, 2019
All international students can apply for the exams in September exam period after September 2, by contacting the appointed Students’ services officer.
Saznajte više ->The second enrollment period is to be held from September 2 to September 26, 2019. All applications that will be received electronically during a collective holiday will be processed from September 2nd. The School of Engineering Management organizes undergraduate academic studies lasting four years (eight semesters), in the field of engineering management, as well as […]
Saznajte više ->Dear professors, associates, and students, we inform you that the School of Engineering Management and the Belgrade Dance Institute will not work during the collective vacation period is in the period from 15 July 2019 to 30 August 2019. The first working day is September 2nd, 2019.
Saznajte više ->The Belgrade Dance Institute has today presented a Gala Concert on the occasion of the completion of the 5th International Summer Camp for Artistic Dance, Summer Dance Camp Vranje, at the Army Cultural Centre in Vranje. Within the Gala concert, variations and pieces of classical ballet in the choreographies of Bahram Juldashev as well as […]
Saznajte više ->Representatives of the School of Engineering Management presented today to Zoran Martinov from the Association Cap for Handicap, the second contingent of collected caps. The School thanks to its graduates, Aleksandar Horvan and Aleksandar Mitrovic, on a large number of collected caps, as well as other students who brought their plugs in the past week. […]
Saznajte više ->The Belgrade Dance Institute will present a Gala Concert on the occasion of the completion of the 5th International Summer Camp for Artistic Dance, Summer Dance Camp Vranje, starting at 20:00 at the Army House in Vranje. Within the Gala concert, variations and pieces of classical ballet in the choreographies of Bahram Juldashev as well […]
Saznajte više ->Entrance exams for the undergraduate studies for the 2019/20 school year have started! The School of Engineering Management organizes undergraduate academic studies lasting four years (eight semesters), in the field of engineering management, as well as undergraduate studies lasting three years (six semesters) in the field of management. After finishing four-year studies, the student receives […]
Saznajte više ->Public-private data collaboration holds great promise for solving some of society’s toughest challenges, but a holistic data-governance framework is needed to help build trust and address risks. As the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution continue to evolve, the role of data has become indisputable. In an effort to extract even more value from data, […]
Saznajte više ->The graduates of the School of Engineering Management, Aleksandar Horvan and Aleksandar Mitrovic, set up a new task for their colleagues, as well as the professors and associates of the School. They joined the Cap for Handicap action on July 4th, bringing a large amount of caps and thus setting a new challenge for collecting […]
Saznajte više ->Representatives of the Student Parliament today have delivered to Zoran Martinov from the Bottle Cap for Handicap Association, the first contingent of collected caps. The Student Parliament organized, in the framework of the action Bottle Cap for Handicapa prize game, the first in a row. The winner, who collected the most caps, is Željko Stjepanović, […]
Saznajte više ->Entrance exams for the undergraduate studies for the 2019/20 school year have started! The School of Engineering Management organizes undergraduate academic studies lasting four years (eight semesters), in the field of engineering management, as well as undergraduate studies lasting three years (six semesters) in the field of management. After finishing four-year studies, the student receives […]
Saznajte više ->Renewables such as wind and solar now account for the majority share of new electricity generation capacity being built globally. Though still dwarfed in the generating fleet by more traditional generation options such as coal, gas, and nuclear power, intermittent resources have risen dramatically, first aided by supportive policies, technology advances, and consumer preferences but […]
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