Međunarodna naučna konferencija o Cirkularnoj i bioekonomiji
School of Engineering Management with co-organisers The Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, and the Engineering Management Society of Serbia invites you to take an active part in the International Scientific Conference „Circular and Bioeconomy – CIBEK 2020“, which will be held on 22nd April 2020.
The Conference`s host will be School of Engineering Management, „Union – Nikola Tesla University“, Bulevar vojvode Mišića 43, Belgrade, Serbia.
Papers published in the proceedings will be classified as M33 category according to the regulations on scientific research results within the Ministry of Education, Science, Technological Development of Republic of Serbia.
Authors are invited to submit an Abstract in electronic format in Serbian or English language to the e-mail address of the Conference secretary konferencija@fim.rs by 20th of January 2020, at the latest, and thus declare their participation in the Conference.
The Conference Board will select the most provocative contributions and the authors there of will be invited to develop their research findings in Serbian Journal of Engineering Management, in category M53.
More information about Conference you can find at fim.edu.rs